Gratis Enterprise Penny auksjon programvare.
Penny Auksjon programvare Script Markedsplass Handlevogn og Multi leverandør Handlevogn Script tilgjengelig sammen med Quibids Dealdash Tophatter Clone skript
RapidAuctionSoft, the most modern Free Enterprise Penny Auction Shopping Markedsplass Software available. Along with Quibids,Dealdash,Tophatter Clone Scripts, we also offer numerous clones of major websites, and many custom designs as well. In addition we offer 5 hours of free design work which is more than enough to completely customize a design for your needs. Our software is based upon modern versions of PHP8+, CodeIgniter4, NodeJS, Bootstrap and jQuery and was thoroughly bug tested in Summer 2022. Our software includes traditional auctions, tophatter auctions and tumbledeal auction types along with many others. For a complete list of our auksjonstyper og filtre Klikk her - for å se liste og beskrivelser.
Vår programvare støtter flere administratorer, flere butikker og selv regionalt baserte administratorer. Legg i vår handlevognmodul for flere måter å selge på. Vår programvare knytter seg også til Salesforce, Hubspot, Quickbooks og mange andre forretnings- og regnskapsløsninger.
Blazing hurtigside belastningshastigheter og teknisk perfekt SEO. Vi opplever lastehastigheter på rundt 1,5 sekunder med 0 Kumulativ layout Shift. Og en lengst innholdsrik maling før 1 sekund. Dette betyr rask sidelasting samt bedre rangering muligheter for nettstedet på google. Vi inkluderer en propietry sidebuilder som gjør det mulig å legge til nesten alle typer tilpasset innhold samt en egen CSS-guide.
Vi benytter intuitive, brukervennlige guider for å legge til produkter, gallerier, pakker, auksjoner og mer.
Контакт -
Vi har nå Native Android og iPhone Apps som du kan skrive på App Stores
Koble til flere brukere, raskere. 100% Native App Code, ikke en Webview Designet for å matche nettstedet ditt og funksjonene dineHvordan du har nytte av å jobbe med oss
Spør våre tidligere kunder, vi bruker tid til å få vite nøyaktig hva du leter etter og er dilligent til å gi det.
Personlig tjeneste
Personlig service på høyt nivå
Fra å hjelpe deg med å nå ditt tiltenkte publikum og gi løsninger til hosting, tilpassede løsninger, SEO og hosting, tilbyr vi en fullserviceløsning. .
Fordelaktig design
Avanserte plugins
Vi tilbyr Quickbboks, Salesforce, Hubspot og andre CRM-integrasjoner, samt en komplett designsuite og en enkel veivisermetode for å legge til innhold. .
Høy ytelse
Flotte poeng
Vi scorer 100% på GtMetrix og 99% på Pagespeed Insights, med svært høy SEO score fra anerkjente nettsteder også. Vi fokuserer på ytelse over alt annet. .
Detaljer Matter
Vi gjør merket ditt til stjernen
Ved å hjelpe deg konsekvent å gi verdifull informasjon til dine kunder, publikum og samarbeidspartnere, bygger vi på merkevaren din, forbedrer ditt rykte og gjør deg ekspert på markedet ditt. .
Penny Auksjon Nettsted Designs
Våre design kommer i flere forskjellige utforminger, disse inkluderer standarddesign samt horisontale, vekslende horisontale og rutenett layouter. I tillegg Alle kan installeres enten som en 2 kolonne eller en kolonnedesign.
Du kan også velge Ingen glidebrytere, enkeltglidebrytere, to eller tre kolonneglidebrytere
Ikonfarger kan tilpasses og teksten er dynamisk, eller kan angis for auksjonen selv
Start med klonen og vi kan tilpasse den derfra.
Vi tilbyr også temaer som kan brukes på hver mal, mange av temaene er feriesentriske.
Velkjente kloner
Penny auksjoner
Auksjon Motor Funksjoner
Dra og slipp sidebyggeren
Rapportering av salg, auksjoner, frakt, skatter, brukere og mer
Binder til Quickbooks, Salesforce og andre tredjeparts Apis
Legg til flere auksjoner samtidig med vår brukervennlige guide
Full featured e-handel systemet inkluderer gallerier, bundtet, produktvariasjoner og mer
Flere administratornivåer
Enkel å bruke CSS Editor
Tusenvis av Penny auksjon og shopping Cart design kombinasjoner tilgjengelig umiddelbart
Velg budtype som skal brukes i hver auksjon
Automatisert frakt priser eller flatpris frakt, selger velger hvilke å tilby
Flere butikker og selgere med vår Markedsplass Software Addon
Dropshipper støtte gitt
Automatiske oversettelser for innhold samt variabler
Og mye mer
Auksjon Frontend Funksjoner
Tjen Bids for vinner auksjoner, tid som høy budgiver, inviterende venner og mer
Medlemmer bare auksjoner
Send hån til cpompetitors
Brukermelding senter
Avansert brukerverifisering ved hjelp av enten e-post, twillio eller begge deler
Lett utsjekking og fraktalternativer
Redemption sentrum avialable
Oppdater passord, kontaktinformasjon og mer
Velg fra 25 språk
Øvelses auksjoner
Brukervalg Auksjoner
Guest Auksjoner
Kjøp nå
Og mye mer
Handlevogn Features
Lett å bruke innholdsskapende veiviser, gå gjennom andrewisd kompliserte skjemaer
Utvalgte produkter
Også sett
Kjøp også
Brukervalgt, dynamisk frakt eller flatpris frakt
Full skattestøtte
Quickbooks, Salesforce og andre tredjeparts API-integrasjoner
Gjesteutsjekking tilgjengelig
Point of Sale system, bånd til eksisterende skrivere, produksjonsskjermer og nettsted
Markedsplass Features
Lett å bruke innholdsskapende veiviser, går leverandører gjennom ellers kompliserte former
La leverandøren fremme element
Ubegrenset antall leverandører til nettstedet ditt
Ubegrenset antall søkbare butikker for leverandørene
Enkel å bruke abonnementsmodell
Samle provisjoner for deg selv, markedsførere og administratorer
Ubegrenset antall produkter per butikk
Dropshipping støtte for leverandører
Integrerer med aukton programvare og handlekurv programvare
Reklamestøtte for å fremme en butikk eller et produkt
Clearance Auksjoner
Последни новини
We have recently complete upgrading to PHp8 and CodIgniter 4. The latets versions of our underlying tech stack. This means you expect years of performance with the need for upgrades anytime soon. We also integrated a new translation method and now support... To Read The Full Story 9
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Your options for building a penny auction website or auction app are numerous.
1) you can hire a team of developers and spend weeks even months developing just the basic features of a penny auction app.
2) You can purchase a penny auction bidding app from one of our competitors and hope that it is secure and can handle the high demands of a busy website. and then hire your own developers to add the features and integrations that we offer.
3) Spend a fraction of the time and money and get the features and technology you need right out of the box by purchasing our software
Websockets are a way of sending data between the server and users in real time. The connection stays open the whole time a user is connected so unlike AJAX scripts there is no need to reconnect. This reduces issues with latency and server overhead.
Why is NodeJS better than AJAX
NodeJS is a super fast super efficient way of connecting to a database and serving data. Mush faster than PHP and more secure.
What is CodeIgniter
CodeIgniter is a modern PHP / Model View Controller framework. We use it to serve files to the browser but only after we strip out comments, new lines and extra whitespace and then compress the file so that the page size is smaller and the page loads quickly. Our pages usually load in under 2 seconds. We also implement caching of your sitesettings. This means no database lookups that might slow the page from rendering.
Additionally we recently updated our code to PHP8 and the most recent version of CodeIgniter so your software should run for years without needing major updates.
Chargebacks are the number one issue with running a Penny Auction or any Ecommerce Shopping Cart or Market Place website. In this regard we have you covered with highly configurable Two Factor authentication and confirmation.
Two Factor Authentication
Can be implemented nearly anywhere that security or confirmation needs to occur. The challenge code can be random or if configured for your website then a user's PIN number can be used.
Accounting Software Integrations
Our software ties into Quickbooks so you can always get an advanced view of your profits and expenses.
What product types are supported
We support regular merchandise, food, real estate, vehicles, services and more. Our software also makes it very easy to add cusom product types
Can I use your auction software with Wordpress, Drupal or other CMS solutions?
We are proud to say that a single ine of Javascript will allow you to host auctions on any website you wish no matter what fraamework you prefer including just HTML.
Easily add multiple auctions in mere seconds
Using our priority auction software wizard you can now easiy add dozens of aucions in mere seconds, each with their own configurations as well.
Marketplace Solutions
Our Marketplace addon supports shopping, point of sale and auction integrations, based upon a simple subscription method that you can easily configure. Tie it to our Extra admins and regional admin addons and supercharge your revenue base. Also can be used with our Quickbooks plugin and others.
Shopping Cart Software Solutions
Our Shopping Cart soluton can use the same products as described in your auction software or others. Products are quick and easy to add and can even be imported from excel files. We use an easy to learn Proprietary "Wizard" to make addng content very intuitve and easy to master. Supports numerous product types alreay and ties into other addons such as Marketplace, Quickbooks, Point of Sale and others. Also supports advanced features like bundles, galleries, Google taxonomies, variations, addons and more.
Why we use auction filters instead of auction types?
Our auction filters, particularly when it comes to penny auctions, seated auctions and similar bid based auctions allows you as the admin or your vendors to create truly unique auction experiences. Such as seated auctions with locks, private auctions that are seond chance and much more. Rather than paying us or another developer to create new auction types our software allows for an infinite number of unique auction variations. What's more or auction wizard allows you to easily visibly review what your auctions will look like. Visibly verify your auctions before they are added while adding multiple auctions quickly, easily and even customiseably.
Why other auction software fails?
Many older systems trak bids in seconds. In the modern internet seconds are an eternity. Many people might bid in the same second. Under those conditions it is impossible to determine who the actual winner is. Unless like our software does you track in bids in milli-seconds. This also allows us to update the page more accurately ind more aggressively. You can actually see multiple bidders in the same second, yet accuracy to who was the final bidder. Another issue that might give you troubles is security, like being able to restrict bidders from the same IP address...a common trick that hacking / biding farms might use to exploit your system. Because of our websocket infrastruture we can easily limit IP addresses based upon bad actors or in areas known to be hackng farms. Also we are the only company that can offer true Level 3 PCI compliance. Our software uses a vigorace, aggesive Content Security Policy that eliminates worries of Cross Site Scripting attacks and our backend has been thooughly tested for SQL injection issues. We offer the most modern and secure e-commerce, aucton software and marketplace software solution on the market. One that has also been written so to make updating it for future security and performance issues simple and fast.
The most customiseable auction software system on the market
The most customiseable auction software system on the market | Since our system is 100% API can easily nitegrate it with any website...even HTML based ones, WIX or ohers...but in addition we also have a full featured Page Builder similar to Wix, Squarespace and even Worpress solutons. Our Sales website itself was built using this API as well as our Proprietary Page Builder and our Custom CSS plugin. These wizards are easy to use but also allow for advanced users to recognise features that mimic tools like chrome web-dev tools or firebug...most of our features have been written to be easy to use for beginners, but also intuitive enough for advanced users to figure out quickly to make them more effective.
The only e-commerce, auction software solution that is Vanilla Javascript only
We recognised in the last few years that Bootstrap JS nd Jquery solutions double the time it takes to load a page. In fact as these solutions becode more commonly used and advanced they are increasing page load speeds. Page load speeds have become a moajor deiding factor not only when it comes to google indexing, but also how many people will use your website. We eliminated this extra Javascript and prefer to ue modern CSS animations or other vanilla JS effects. Thus our pages usually load in under 1.2 seconds compared to between 3-7 seconds when bootstrap, jquery and jquery-ui are added. Modern HTML5 and CSS3 methods mean that extra libraries are no longer even needed, it also means these extra libraries not only slow your website...but also have measurable effects on degrading your SEO results. We have done the research on these effects. If you want to get to number 1 on Google...then page speed as is just as important as backlinks. In fact tis is testable with our sales site...we are on page 1 despite not buyin backlinks...we got there through optimisation. Despite our competitors have thousands more backlinks than we do. The system you buy from us will also have the same benefits.
Full multi language support
We use a proprietary language service that will convert all of your site cntent, even user submitted content to the user's native language. Rather than depending upon expensive third party services. Our langage model service is simple to change and has it's pwn easy to use wizard. Full language support allows you to reach a broader audience an improves your SEO rankings as well. It is silent but an also be used with our content wizards.
Why did we rewrite our Auction Software, Shopping Cart Software as Vanilla Javascript Only?
After Google's most recent update we recognised very quickly that Page load speeds, Cumulative Layout shift and general performance factors were the new metrics that Google was and is still rewarding. jQuery and Boostrap.js n combination make websites and apps much slower, tey simply do. During our rewrites we were able to cut page load speeds from 3.5 seconds to 1.25 seconds...blazing fast load speeds basially. In addition whle doing this we recognised other areas where we could create other SEO opportunities trhough performance. The truth is right here on this website. Our competitors have been around for decades and have spent thousands of dollars for backlinks and link wheels to improve their search appearance. Our SEO performance is beccome of superior performance. These benefits simply exist within our software...with multiple ways to customise your own SEO performances for each page...whether they are automatic or not...our software simply is just much better for SEO performance. Our competitors use HTML or Wordpress sales sites for their software...we use our own software as a CMS solution as even though our sales website uses our API to show auction results is still using our core software as a CMS solution that in many ways rivals even Wordpress
Tophatter Auksjoner
TumbleDeal Auksjoner
Endelige auksjoner